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CowToy's Site Map

CowToy's Burley Cow

This is a list of all the public pages at CowToy.com (our sitemap), minus a couple that are not meant to be found on search engines.

If you have been looking for a page and cannot locate it, please, feel free to contact us, using the link at the bottom of the page. We will attempt to assist you, as quickly as possible.




Fun Cow Facts
Did You Know?

While a cow chews their cud, huge amounts of saliva are produced. The cow can produce from 10-45 GALLONS of saliva per day, depending on the diet. The saliva is vital to good digestion. It helps to lower the acidity of food the cow eats. It also has the affect of reducing foam in the stomach, which helps to reduce the chance of bloat.

Credits to: reference.com, wikipedia.org, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, dairymoos.com, globaldairyplatform.com, fortune.com, farmsforcitykids.org, drovers.com, blog.machinefinder.com, thememorybank.co.uk, and milkproduction.com, for most of the fun cow facts.

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